📂 My Books

Mr. Smith's Poetry Playground

Mr. Smith's Poetry Playground

Mr. Smith's Poetry Playground is the first of a planned set of three poetry books and serves as a great representation of what is to come! This bright and colorfully illustrated 50 page book is a humorously delightful blend of fun and quirky stories told poetically. Mr. Smith's characters may grapple with the issues of childhood, speak endearingly about love, friendship and kindnesses all while the words are whispering gentle messages of improving your world through reading and learning. Children AND parents will benefit tremendously from the many conversations this book will inspire between them. Like the very first poem says, “We're happy you're here and that you have found, a place where words play, A Poetry Playground!” Enjoy!

Cozy reading nook with bookshelves, a young reader, and a sleeping cat

"A child who reads will be an adult who thinks."